San Francisco, Arrival date: 27-04 till 01-05

The Experience:

San Francisco, what a big city. Wow! Although we all were very excited to explore the city of San Francisco. We couldn’t appreciate it the first 2 days because James and I arrived there from Mexico with diarrhea. Iris was still going strong, luckily. Our arrival was on the 28th of April somewhere around 01:00AM, so with a few hours of sleep, diarrhea or not, we wanted to explore the city. We learned quickly that we were tired and not vibing on the same frequency. I was cranky because, well; you know. I was also nauseous. James was the same and exhausted. Iris did her best to keep everyone entertained.

The first thing we wanted to do was visit the golden gate bridge. I had my camera gear ready, dragging that heavy bag eventually didn’t pay off because the bridge was covered in fog. The fog erased all my imaginings and the scenery I wanted to capture, and I left feeling disappointed. Iris found out that the bridge has a website with a live camera where we could keep an eye out for an opportunity, and that’s what we did more on that later.

James was complaining he was tired. He didn’t want to walk. Iris and I carried him in turns. Later that day, Iris went online to buy a secondhand stroller and that turned out to be the best investment. With the stroller, we could explore the city more comfortably since James also slept from time to time. He wouldn’t sleep back in the hotel room. Iris and I went out, but he still was going strong. But in the stroller!? A win for us all.

The first few days we were trying to figure out how to navigate the city and how the muni (public transportation) was working. Once we knew how to navigate, we appreciated San Francisco even more. On the 29th we went to the Painted Ladies. There was a park in front of the houses and I thought we could have spent time there after I finished making photo’s. Turns out there was a playground for kids where James could play and it was a lovely day. Iris met a family on the playground and they gave us a good tip for another playground with a view of the bridge. Later on, I joined them and talked some more while James and Lily made friends and played. They were about the same age and got along just great.

On the 30st we followed up on the tip. Presidio Tunnel Tops Playground. It was just perfect. Beautiful big playground where James could have fun and make new friends. James loves to make friends but is a little shy, but Iris helps him to make the first step and then walks away so they can play. The first time was a little cloudy and chilly, so we didn’t stay there for very long. But the next day was perfect, sunny, and it was Sunday, so you could see the city blowing off some steam and having a great time. The bridge was perfectly clear, so everybody had a great time. James played soccer with a boy his aged while Iris and I lay down on the grass and enjoyed James playing. We even got sun burned. The city was growing on us and we loved it.

May the 1st was our last day and looking back to a wonderful time, we were also very excited to get our camper. We still had till 14:00 in San Francisco, so we did some shopping and had lunch at Mels Drive in a very American restaurant with a jukebox on every table, but unfortunately, the jukeboxes were out of order. But it was nice, and the food was alright.

At 15:00 PM we were at Cruise America to pick up the camper. That went really smooth and within the hour we drove off. We decided to stay at a Walmart for the first night, but we weren’t sure when we were there. But then a German family came next to us and they said that they were going to stay there as well, so that encouraged us to stay too.

James just loved the Camper. This is his first camper experience, and we weren’t sure how he’d react, but his excitement surprised us and we loved it. James, his excitement will be on the next video if you want to see that. It’s heartwarming, I promise.

Take care, see you in the next blog.

Love from us.

Dogac, Iris and James.

Highlights video:

Apple Pay, Paypal and Credit Card payments available

Apple Pay (On mobile device), Paypal and Credit Card payments available


Pismo Beach, Arrival date: 03-05-2023


Bacalar, Arrival date: 18-04-’23 till 22-04-’23