Bacalar, Arrival date: 18-04-’23 till 22-04-’23

The experience:

Of we went to Bacalar. We started driving pretty early because we had a log day of driving ahead and we wanted to stop around noon and we thought of stopping in a small village called: “Felipe Carrillo Puerto” 2 hours away from Villadolid.

We had a magical drive because for miles we saw hundreds, maybe thousands, of butterflies in different colors. It just wouldn’t stop. It was a moment Iris and I would not forget that easily.

James didn’t sleep, but just played and watched shows on the iPad until the battery completely got drained. Luckily we were near Felipe Carrillo Puerto. Approximately 10 minutes before our arrival there, James told us he had to pee. We didn’t want to risk him wetting his pants, so I just pulled over and let him pee. :)

While we were approaching the village, Iris started looking for a good place where we could rest and have a delightful meal. She actually found a great place with a pool and a unique location. The food was also good, and the price was just right.

While we ate, James jump into the pool and luckily for us, another family came with their son. I think a year younger than James and they started playing together. When James is playing and having fun, we can eat calmly and actually enjoy our food. James is not a great eater, so while playing we offer him food and that just disappears in his cute, small mouth. Not everything though he may open his mouth, but if it’s something he doesn’t like, it comes right out like, blehhhh.

Anyway, our journey must continue. James had to say goodbye to Alex, and he wasn’t happy about that. Once in the car, we drove somewhere to pick up a smoothy and a coffee for the road. From there, time flew away because before we knew it, we were in Bacalar.

We arrived somewhere around three and just settled down and explored our mini apartment. For dinner, we went out to eat. Who wants to cook after a long drive when they're on holiday, right? We ate at Mi Burrito Bacalar, and that was de-lic-ious. Pricy, but totally worth its price.

Day 2 we were all exhausted, but we went out anyway because we needed to do some groceries, laundry and find an ATM for cash. After that we stayed at home and used our pool in the airbnb and took a little nap in the afternoon. But that was totally fine because we needed it.

We also struggled to find our way around in Bacalar because it’s hard to find nice places near the lagoon. We weren’t feeling Bacalar for the first 3 days. But at the end of the 3rd day we met a lovely dutch family with a cute little 2-year-old son and he played with James. Turns out he and James love to throw things, so they had that in common from the get go. They ran and threw their toy car all evening.

Boat ride. Iris arrange a boat ride at the last minute with a company because everyone was recommending it to us. We were holding back because of James and how he would behave on a 2,5 hour boat ride. Well, he was cautious in the beginning, but then he loved it. If he’s happy, then we’re happy. We went to some Cenote’s, and we got to swim in crystal clear, blue, fresh water. It was amazing and practically saved our Bacalar experience. I also saw a flamingo fly away, so that is also a splendid memory.

The next day, we’ll be on our way to Tulum to see what the fuzz is all about. This is unexpected because we didn’t plan to stay in Tulum, but we had a night to fill and instead of extending our next location, we decided to visit Tulum and make sure we weren’t missing out on the hype hahahaha.

Highlights video:

I hope you enjoyed the video and hopefully until the next one.


None worth mentioning

We try to choose a child friendly place so not al locations will be appealing to you.

Apple Pay, Paypal and Credit Card payments available

Apple Pay (On mobile device), Paypal and Credit Card payments available


San Francisco, Arrival date: 27-04 till 01-05


Valladolid, Arrival date: 14-04-’23 till 18-04-’23